Busted: Samsung Omnia HD in India doesn't have 1GHz CPU
Remember that photo last week, which suggested the Indian version of Omnia HD runs on a 1GHz CPU? Well it smelled fishy to us right from the very start so we didn't even bother to write about it. The news however spread like wildfire and stirred the community filling our mailbox with tons of emails about it. So we're glad that a Samsung representative was kind enough to step up and clear the issue for us. The photo that started it all was taken at the official Omnia HD announcement event in India and according to the label the Indian market Samsung Omnia HD sported a 1GHz CPU. As it turns out, the 1GHz CPU was nothing more than a mistake on the Samsung India side (or even perhaps a marketing trick). The guys over at Samsung India have simply added the 420 MHz DSP (the sound processing chip) speed to the 600 MHz ARM Cortex-A8 CPU. And since from a user's point of view those two hardly have anything in common it's not quite fair to do so. We finally managed to get into contact with a Samsung representative and the label was corrected to Cortex-A8 600MHz + DSP 430MHz. So obviously we will need to wait some more time before a gigahertz handset joins the Omnia family. Though it may not be too far away.Busted: Samsung Omnia HD in India doesn't have 1GHz CPU
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