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Oct 29, 2009

Windows Mobile 6.5 upgrade now available for HTC Diamond2

As promised from the announcement, the HTC Diamond2 has just received its free Windows Mobile 6.5 (at least the European version). You can download the new software through the official HTC update tool.
HTC kept their promise to deliver the Windows Mobile 6.5 OS on the HTC Touch Diamond2, which was released half a year ago. The upgrade is already available on their website and you can find all the instructions there.
The currently available localized ROMs are intended for UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Portugal. You can upgrade your Diamond2 with one of these ROMs just now, but there is no other info if more localizations are coming.

The Touch Pro2 software update to WinMo 6.5 has been around for almost two weeks now and a few days ago Vodafone released the WinMo 6.5 upgrade for their customers, as well. So if you own a vanilla TouchPro2, you can get the update here from HTC, while if you've got a Vodafone Touch Pro2 you should use this link and follow the instructions for the upgrade process.


* = When the post wrote
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