Nokia 5530 XpressMusic review: Winner by design
The XpressMusic lineup is fired up and coming after you with all they've got - from QWERTY smartphones to touchscreens. In fact, with the arrival of 5530 XpressMusic, the Nokia music line has more touch phones than the Nseries. We told you, they're dead serious about it. With the 5800 XpressMusic shaping up as quite a blockbuster, Nokia had hardly any choice but to build on that momentum. The way up from the 5800 goes into Nseries territory really, so a lower spec'd device with an even sweeter price tag seems quite the right thing to do to reach the masses. And well, strategically expand the user base for the Touch UI edition of Symbian S60. The Nokia 5800 offered value-for-money that very few could match. The 5530 comes in even more affordable but tries to deliver as much goodies as possible, pushing the value-for-money meter well towards the "must have" end of the scale. Here's what the 5530 XpressMusic offers and what was left out to keep the cost down: Trade-offs were obviously inevitable but many of the important features are on par with the 5800 - the CPU, the Wi-Fi support, the camera. And further on the positive side, the 5530 is much more compact than the 5800. The XpressMusic badge usually guarantees great music experience - from the audio quality to the way music is organized, played and delivered. With Nokia's recent track record of excellent audio quality in the headphone department and the pair of nice sounding stereo speakers, the 5530 is a mini-jukebox. What hurts it the most is the lack of 3G, especially for those with unlimited data plans. Others will barely wait to jump at this affordable touch-operated and WLAN-enabled smartphone. As always, we're here to help you make the decision. It's time that we set off exploring the Nokia 5530 ins and outs - so join us on the next page where a proper unboxing is due.
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic official photosKey features:
Main disadvantages:
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic live shots
Size comparison between the iPhone, the 5530 and the 5730
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